Evolution of a post
Disclaimer: The funnyworld shall in no way be held responsible for any damage to internal or external organs, regurgitation, bleeding or apoplexy caused by the perusal of this post. Incompetence in poetry is not a punishable offence and as such, may not be used to bring criminal charges against the poet. Please contact my lawyer for further details.)"He blogs, therefore he is"
- A philosopher's remark
Posted in ignorant bliss
Provokes a ponderous spark.
Yesterday's anxiety
Born of matters mundane,
Is in a moment of clarity,
Rendered strikingly inane.
"Think", I implore the neurons
"How might one save the day?
Deliver a swift response.
Annihilate delay!"
Years they seem, the minutes.
Another hopeless cause?
Naught crosses the limits...
A lightbulb ends the pause
"Morality one must banish.
It guards the path to success.
Knowledge pure must vanish -
A twisted plan, I profess
"But crucial is the gain.
Under these lines of rhyme,
Disguise a vacant brain.
Surely a scheme sublime?"
Words that bear no essence
Ever the blogger's aid,
Rhyme in joyful pretence,
Effecting a masquerade
My, it's almost done...
A task hardly uphill,
I post with sorrows none.
Now the beans must spill!
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