Thursday, December 10, 2009

Love !!!

Ever since I was a teenager, i used to ask myself, what is love? How can two people share a bond that makes them willing to sacrifice a lot for each other? My experiments with love have been eccentric and sometimes downright disastrous. Failures have made me more and more pessimistic, but I guess i had enough optimism left in me to keep trying again. I squandered love in quite a few places, wasted it on some unworthy girls and basically made a fool of myself. Love is unconditional, it doesn’t need a reason and hence is seldom well thought out.

After wandering on the twisted path of love for almost 8 years, I have finally found someone who has like me been wandering in search of the perfect companion. What was different this time is that trust was established between us before love took hold. Usually people just love and then try to trust and screw it all up, but this is different. Its never been like this before. Love has brought me happiness; it has driven away all my pessimism. I honestly haven’t stopped smiling ever since it happened. I will refrain from mentioning the name of my love here as I don’t want to make this blog too personal.

Well this time, it’s a long distance relation for me. That means me and my love live far apart and as we are both still dependant on our parents, cannot meet for a long time to come. Anybody who has had one will tell you that a long distance relation is difficult to maintain. This is because such a relation requires complete trust. Moreover, there is very less or no physical contact to spice up the relation. Hence it requires a lot of patience. I am willing to put all I have into this relation, I want to make it work and I am quite sure so does my soul mate.

For a change I’ll end my post on this optimistic note.

Adieus Amigos

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