Wednesday, December 9, 2009


marvellogenic (mah-vuh-'LOJ-en-ik) (adj.): Originating in, appearing to belong to, or having as a source, a Marvel comic strip.

Marvel Comics, founded in 1939, has produced a well-known array of fictional characters ranging from the superhuman to the inhuman. Some of its creations have revolutionised the entertainment industry, as Marvel adaptations generally succeed in the theatre, in print or on a gaming console.

The word marvellogenic may describe any name, place, idea, phrase, usage, item of clothing or indeed, anything that first appeared in a comic published by Marvel, or grew out of one.


"Halloween has been marked by increasingly marvellogenic outfits in recent years."

"You know, I'm betting that new morning-star tattoo Mike's sporting is marvellogenic - he just doesn't want to admit it."

"I named my dog the Incredible Sulk. He's green, mean, gloomy and marvellogenic. And you wouldn't like him when he's angry."


When Tommy Flannel, age 8, dipped his right arm into a tank of ravenous piranhas in the hope of developing razor sharp teeth that could bite through metal, his doctor had no choice but to list the cause of the accident as being marvellogenic on his medical certificate.

Little Tommy was later fitted with a prosthetic arm, which kept him happy for a while, until the novelty of being a 'cyborg' wore off.

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