Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No drama, just fun

So I took the plunge. Thought I'd take a break from doing portraits and opted for a group shot instead. Since I've been OD-ing on MTV's The Hills Season 5, it seemed only natural to vector the girls from the show. I think this picture is adorable - very "No drama, just fun" (ahem, Audrina might want to re-think what she said pre-Hawaii). Anyway, for those of you that watch the show, I think we all can agree that there is no such thing as 'No drama' when it comes to their lives. From the semi-psychotic Pratt siblings, to Audrina and her love-hate relationship with Justin Bobby, all the way through till Heidi's I got married under the influence of Tequila stories, the show is a bag full of drama. Voyeuristic, silly, 'reality TV' drama that I can't help but watch. :)

Now that everyone knows that I'm a sucker for reality TV, heh, let's move on to the vector. Numero uno, I should have stopped myself after realizing that the largest resolution I could get for this picture was not high enough. The original size of the image was around 400 x 700 aka not clear enough when working with pixels. But by the time I realized that, I had already completed Audrina and come to terms with the fact that the challenge of guess-timating was actually kind of fun. I took the liberty of tweaking things here and there such as opening up Audrina's sleepy eye and giving Lauren heavier eye-make up. Here's my version of the picture:

I'm satisfied. I thought I'd never capture the inside of Heidi's mouth - I know, random - but I did, so yay! Though, I did make a mental note to self that future 'group shots' will only be attempted if it's an HQ image and high-res.

If you are curious click here to see the graphic in high resolution.

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