Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Put your best face forward.

Ever studied your face in the mirror? Wondered what your best angle is? Is it when you slightly cock your head upwards at an angle, or do you look your best staring smack head-on? Chin up, chin down? Big Colgate smile, subtle lip curl? Or do you write up gazing at oneself as narcissistic & stuck up behavior? :P

I think it’s perfectly normal. One needs to know how to put your best face forward. Be it a job interview, a night out with the girls, or even just day to day life. There’s nothing wrong with studying your own face and understanding how to bring your beauty to its 100%. Though, try not to get carried away with the self loving. It can be borderline nauseating if you over do it, heh. There’s a fine line between coming to terms with your stellar genetics & loving yourself to a point of arrogance.

Blame it on watching too much America’s Next Top Model, but believe it not, every once in awhile, precious nuggets of information do surface on that show. Who knew, right? Seriously, there’s more to the Jay’s than meets the eyes. Especially Miss Jay, women could learn a thing or two from the way he sashays, haha. As for Tyra, besides her harping on smizing (smiling with your eyes) there’s not much more to really learn. And for the noted fashion photographer, Nigel, he doesn’t need to say anything substantial for me to listen. He’s just man-beauty personified.

Aaanyway, ANTM just spurred my thoughts on bringing your best face forward. There’s no stringent formula to it, but it’s always fun to come up with a list. It’s very DS. And DS has been feeling unloved with me being off & on with blogging. ;)

1) Play up your winning features: If you’ve got a pair of sparkling eyes, focus on bringing out that extra something in them. For most South Asian/Middle Eastern women, dark kohl and mascara does wonders to bring out the drama in our eyes. But you’ve got to do what works for your face. If you’ve got playful, pouty lips then up the lusciousness with a glossy, rich & creamy lip-gloss. When your lips have a natural color then I’d opt for a sheer, nude shade. But if you need to inject that little bit of color then definitely go for a gloss or lip-shade that compliments your skin tone. The only way to really know is to step out and see what a shade looks like in natural lighting. Don't just check and see if the shade looks great under white/warm/store mirror lighting - - it can be deceptive.

I’d consider my skin a shade of caramel latte, and I find
MAC’s LoveChild Tinted Lipglass & MAC’s LipLustre in Syrup rather fantastic. Though my numero uno preference, is always just Kiehl’s Baby Lip Balm. It’s nourishing and doubles as a nude gloss. Kinda really perfect. :)

2) Be dynamic: It’s always good to have that standard quick get ready routine. We’ve all been there. With just 7mins on the clock you’ve got to get your perfect face on before you have to rush out of your apartment, race down the subway stairs (attempting not to trip of course), and then squeeze yourself in right before the doors shut on your AM train to work/class/etc. Ah! Though, most women have this down to a science. But, when it comes to breaking out of the norm, a lot of women stumble. It’s good to break up the standard routine, and switch things up on the weekends or on occasions that call for a different you. As in don’t bring professional make-up you to a wedding reception. Make that effort to wear more exaggerated eye make up (heavier eye shadow), or opt for lipstick vs lipgloss, maybe a more enhanced blush? Whatever it is, change is refreshing. For you, and for others. :)

3) Make sure it’s your face: Yes, I said change is a good thing, but it’s only a good thing so far as you don’t lose your actual signature face. Let me explain. The most infamous way women lose their faces is over-doing their make up to a point where it’s cakey, costumey and sometimes just downright distracting (in a not so pleasant way). My biggest pet peeve, women that wear their foundation one too many skin shades lighter. Hi, your face is a different color than the rest of your body. It’s highly awkward and rather scary. So please, get some professional help in picking the right shade. Or better yet, come to terms with your original skin color. (Please ‘Fair & Lovely’ fans, don’t throw your rotten tomatoes at me. This is just my opinion, heh).

4) Appropriateness: Your make up has to be appropriate to where you are headed. Wearing club make up during the day looks highly red-light district. Be weary of your color choices of blush, eye shadow and lipgloss/lipstick during the day and at night. Certain shades might looks fabulous on you at night, under neon lights, etc. But if you step out on a bright, sunny day and head to brunch with your friends donning the same look, people (friends included) might give you sketchy looks.

5) Basic upkeep: Make up can only do so much for your face. But it’s up to you to value your natural beauty. As in, if you want to achieve a natural glow to your face, you need to eat right, stay healthy & drink lots of water. A well nourished & fit body on the inside, will show through on the outside. Achieving clear skin goes deeper than just your daily face wash. Your daily intake of fruits & veggies make a huge difference on the vibrancy of your skin. So, take some initiative and stop relying on layers of make up to make you, feel like you. Because at the end of the day, when you wash off your make up, the woman staring back at you should (hopefully) be recognizable. If you feel like you wash your face down the sink every night, then you need to reconsider the wear & tear you’re putting your skin through. :x

6) 5’o clock shadows…on women? Yup. Ladies, no one appreciates a femme-mustache. If you’re blessed with dense hair growth on your head, that’s fantastic. But that also means more maintenance for your eyebrows & upper lip. Don’t think people won’t notice that above your lip line there’s a region a tad darker than the rest of your face. Just a simple visit to a beautician to wax/thread your eyebrows & your upper lip every two weeks will make a world of a difference and brighten up your face. Not only does it even out your skin tone, but by clearing up unwanted hair your face gains clarity and definition. This is especially true for women with darker shades of hair. As for those women that prefer to bleach their dark facial hair - - all I have to say is, when the sun hits the side of your face it looks like you have golden fuzz all over you. Not sure how attractive I’d rank that…so yeah, my opinion, either leave it natural or wax/thread it off. You’ll benefit from opting for the chemical-free route.

Last thing, no matter how much care & effort you channel towards putting your best face forward, what truly lights up your face is an inner smile and your confidence level. :) Sounds corny, but it's true.

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